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Exploration of Wonder

The curiosity that shapes our thought

Unravelling our Ethos

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Our Field, our home.

The Fields serve as our setting to bring people closer to Nature, expressed through culture and social rituals. Observing and creating with Nature imparts wisdom and insight that guides and informs us.

Our work is a fun and continuous cycle of growth grounded in circularity and perpetuity. Our imagination speaks with the land, harmonizing thought, ambition and intention to create forms and spaces that enrich the spectacle of life, energy and spirit.


Exploring Wonder through Nature

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With Mind and nature as one within and around us, what we reflect internally, we express externally.

We invite you to participate in this exploration through diverse performances, practices and rituals in The Fields. This year, we will cross-pollinate experiences throughout new spaces, including Wonderness, Unconditional Space and Dhyana, to examine these connections.

With passion and enthusiasm for exploring this inner world, let’s wildly discover the joy and excitement it brings together.


Exploring Wonder through Mind

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We explore Sound through nature, culture and mind.

To recognize the latent potential of Sound and understand its ability to soothe, heal and restore balance, we create spaces to hear sounds with nature. We also bridge unique cultural sounds from near and far, finding connections through these exchanges.

And we celebrate through Sound. We amplify the spirit of a communal gathering across all our venues and practice the humanistic ritual of dancing, shaping moments of connection and celebration.


Exploring Wonder through Sound

Ways to Wonder

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Softening the walls of the mind
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Growing with the land
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The latent power of sound
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Celebrating connection through culture
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Stories to eat


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Softening the walls of the mind

Discovering practices and rituals with curiosity and sympathy

We think of well-being as harmony, a non-dual approach to life. In The Fields, we cultivate our awareness of the mind and embrace nature, body, creativity, spirit and cultural expressions.

We invite people to recognize the profound truth that the most sacred space lies within us. At Unconditional Space, we explore unlearning to relearn, guided by the rhythm of rituals. Structure and repetition become our allies as we adopt cyclical practices that nurture and connect our inner landscapes. Expressions of this journey also unfold in spaces like Dhyana, where Wonderers practice universal rituals like making offerings, mantras and symbolic gestures.

At the heart of The Fields stands Wonderness, anchored as the Axis Mundi, the energetic center point of Wonderfruit. This year, Wonderness expands to connect our lower fields, reflecting the sacred geometry of the Flower of Life. Its branches extend to the mysteries of Unconditional Space, the sounds of the Forest Stage and the connections to water at Bath House, illustrating the interconnectedness of all things at Wonderfruit.

We are fascinated by the questions and realizations that emerge when navigating the unknown. As these mysteries gradually become familiar, we hope these realizations serve you beyond Wonderfruit, guiding your journey of discovery through new experiences embraced with the wonder and awe of the mind.

Accommodations Background


Stay in The Fields and never leave
the magic of Wonderfruit

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Journeys Background


A curated selection of pre-booked
experiences at Wonderfruit

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