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Department of Transformation: Endless Words

by Prem Krishnamurthy
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How can changing the frame of time’s passing alter how we act?


In this series of three participatory talks at Wonderfruit, polymathic designer and curator Prem Krishnamurthy connects multiple temporalities of reading, listening, looking, and creating. Each event incorporates multiple modes for experiencing time: from mindfulness to movement, discussion to dancing, production to polyrhythms—plus karaoke! Come for one, come for all. The time for transformation is now.


For the final of three participatory presentations at Wonderfruit, Prem Krishnamurthy revisits his curatorial-manifesto-as-artwork, Endless Exhibition, performing a collage of language from his polyhedric production as a designer, writer, exhibition and institution maker, in an experimental format that invites audience participation. As we count down towards the end of Wonderfruit 2024 and our time together, this last lecture also serves as an opportunity to meditate upon what lies ahead. The late conceptual artist On Kawara’s legendary performance One Million Years (1999) becomes a collective incantation to circle around how multiple, overlapping timeframes can become a structure for collective pasts and futures.

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