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Food & Drink

Good Choose

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Good Choose is serving up refreshing lemon slurpees at Wonderfruit 2024, topped with unique ingredients imported from Taiwan. Known for their vibrant brand identity, their drinks create buzz among festival-goers. Each slurpee is made with organic fruits from chemical-free gardens, supporting Thai farmers and ensuring fresh, delicious flavors. Their playful approach combines a commitment to sustainability, using paper cups to reduce waste while maintaining a strong brand image. Goodchoose aims to bring freshness and excitement to Wonderers, making every sip a delightful experience.

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Operating Hours

From To
THU 12 DEC 16:00 FRI 13 DEC 06:00
FRI 13 DEC 16:00 SAT 14 DEC 06:00
SAT 14 DEC 16:00 SUN 15 DEC 06:00
SUN 15 DEC 16:00 MON 16 DEC 00:00
MON 16 DEC 00:00 MON 16 DEC 06:00