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Welcome to Merrymetric, where fashion meets tradition. This brand is passionate about designing and selecting the finest materials for unique crochet creations. With a professional team, customers can customize their own crochet masterpieces, becoming part of the process. Merrymetric aims to revitalize the craft of crochet while making it accessible to all generations, preserving traditional techniques. By supporting local communities and promoting sustainable practices, they help artisans shine through their work while providing quality pieces that generate value.

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THU 12 DEC 16:00 FRI 13 DEC 00:00
FRI 13 DEC 12:00 SAT 14 DEC 00:00
SAT 14 DEC 12:00 SUN 15 DEC 00:00
SUN 15 DEC 12:00 MON 16 DEC 00:00