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How was your Fruitfull Lockdown?


What's New


Monday 27 April

Last Updated

Monday 27 April

60 socially distanced diners. 7 courses from a Michelin-starred kitchen. A full team of delivery drivers. And no single-use packaging. Friday was all about Fruitfull Lockdown: Re-eating Thai food with bo.lan.


From 7pm on Friday 24 April, Fruitfull’s very first interactive dinner party was streamed into 30 households across Bangkok—all in support of Covid Relief. Paired to a 7-course, progressive menu served in traditional Thai pinto carry containers, the live stream took diners on a journey from the kitchen to the farm and uncovered the full story of food.


Fruitfull is our sister project, connecting food with the planet to create new ways to enjoy eating. Discover more of the experiences we’re creating with Fruitfull here.


Here are (some of) the best moments from the night:


Preparing dinner the manual way


Zero-waste grilling


Coal-fired goodness


60 pintos, filled with love


Cheers from a distance, waiting for dinner to arrive


Your package includes a naturally-dyed, recycled cotton napkin for messy eaters (or stylish dressers)


All hands on deck to load up for delivery


That moment when dinner arrives


An uncommon sight in the kitchens of bo.lan—at least, not since their appearance on Netflix’s Chef’s Table.


Pinto dining 101 with chefs Bo and Dylan, live onscreen. Dylan seems unsure…


Smiling faces, fancy diners.


Don’t forget to say hi to your fellow diners


Understanding the source of food with the family-run Raitong Organics Farm


All the dinner party feels


…and antics


Molam’s prodigal son Maft Sai closing dinner with a vinyl selection from the annals of Thai funk.


The next experience from Fruitfull as part of the Fruitfull Lockdown series comes to your plate and screen on May 8, with a Couch Party by Gaa’s Garima Arora. Reserve your spot at