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of Wonder

Wonder is a continuous relationship between our minds and the world that surrounds us. It is a fundamental element that makes us feel alive.

We wonder through culture as a catalyst for growth. To foster purposeful collaborations that are fluid in their approach yet authentic in their expression.

We define growth as the sensation that occurs when we start understanding something new that serves us meaningfully in our lives. Realizations that occur mentally, physically and spiritually.

Our vision is to develop a space for creators, partners and our community to explore and deepen the connection between mind and nature and to grow through it.

Through energy and intention, we are all connected to each other and the land we inhabit. At Wonderfruit, The Fields are our home, a place where we express ourselves freely and explore our connection to nature, to each other and to ourselves.

Our land comes to life by hosting an entire ecosystem created by our collaborators and these relationships extend throughout the year, creating ongoing journeys that we hope nourish each Wonderer.

To honor this space, we pledge to conduct ourselves with respect for what it represents. To learn to unlearn. To move mindfully, conscious of the impact on the land, the greater environment and our community.

Whether in The Fields or beyond, we invite you to connect to yourself, connect with each other and connect to nature. Move with intention, express gratitude and rise above the carelessness. Practice to wonder with kindness and love.