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Food & Drink


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Chez Papa showcases the essence of traditional French cuisine with a modern twist. Known for their fresh, handcrafted dishes and pastries, they prioritize quality and authentic recipes using premium imported and locally-sourced ingredients. With a rich history as a beloved French bistro, they embody culinary excellence while committing to sustainability through eco-friendly practices and minimal waste initiatives. Diners can indulge in nutritious, delicious food that nourishes the body and soul while supporting a greener planet.

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Operating Hours

From To
THU 12 DEC 16:00 FRI 13 DEC 03:00
FRI 13 DEC 11:00 SAT 14 DEC 03:00
SAT 14 DEC 11:00 SUN 15 DEC 03:00
SUN 15 DEC 11:00 MON 16 DEC 00:00
MON 16 DEC 00:00 MON 16 DEC 03:00