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Hey Joe Soft Cream

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Hey Joe Soft Cream has been delighting taste buds since 2002, evolving from its roots in Japanese cuisine to specialize in exquisite desserts. At Wonderfruit, they serve soft, smooth ice cream with a perfect balance of sweetness. Known for its fluffy texture and slow-melting qualities, their ice cream promises a delightful experience. Committed to sustainability, Hey Joe sources local ingredients and operates eco-friendly practices, ensuring each scoop supports the community. With a history of culinary excellence, they invite Wonderers to indulge in their unique Japanese-inspired creations.

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THU 12 DEC 16:00 FRI 13 DEC 04:00
FRI 13 DEC 08:00 SAT 14 DEC 04:00
SAT 14 DEC 08:00 SUN 15 DEC 04:00
SUN 15 DEC 08:00 MON 16 DEC 00:00
MON 16 DEC 00:00 MON 16 DEC 04:00