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Food & Drink

Green Garden Sips

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Green Garden Sips serves mocktails made from fresh ingredients sourced from their backyard garden, including Thai herbs like lemongrass and kaffir lime. With a passion for mixing drinks, they create refreshing beverages that highlight the unique flavors and health benefits of their ingredients, such as aiding digestion and boosting immunity. Committed to sustainability, Green Garden Sips use homemade organic syrups and prioritize minimizing environmental impact. Efficient pre-batching ensures drinks are ready to serve in just 2-4 minutes, perfect for rejuvenating Wanderers throughout the event.

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Operating Hours

From To
THU 12 DEC 16:00 FRI 13 DEC 03:00
FRI 13 DEC 15:00 SAT 14 DEC 03:00
SAT 14 DEC 15:00 SUN 15 DEC 03:00
SUN 15 DEC 15:00 MON 16 DEC 00:00
MON 16 DEC 00:00 MON 16 DEC 03:00